Monday, December 04, 2006

The Birth of Writing

There are some theories that writing first evolved, in certain cultures, from the tally marks used in commerce. My friend Ms. Flaherty says, "How could poetry and literature have arisen from something as plebeian as the cuneiform equivalent of grocery-store bar codes?" She expresses sadness at this, but I think it is somewhat glorious. Beauty born of mundanity. Perhaps it is a reminder to us as writers to find the poetry and power in the ordinary, the everyday. Poets excel at this. We prose types may need to make an extra effort.

Which everyday activities might inspire you?


  1. To the best of my knowledge the first story ever told was "Gilgamesh" from Sumerian times. And yes, it was an oral story that was written down later in cuneiform. I really recommend it. It is such a wonderful quest for immortality, but more importantly I think, a story of friendship!

  2. Excellent point, Jamie! Language is spoken first, storytelling is oral first. As we have become more and more silent readers, we can't lose sight of the oral component of language.

    Love the image of that lazy, brilliant poet saying, "Hey! I can steal that bookkeeping thing and use it to remember this poetry stuff!"

    What are the pros and cons of moving from an oral tradition to a print tradition?

  3. I think the move from oral to print also means our ears are not as well-tuned to the sonic qualities of language - rhythm, rhyme, alliteration.

  4. Cindy, I'm glad you brought up the sound of language. Maya Angelou says the same thing, especially when she talks about writing poetry. She's often said that poetry works best when it's read out loud.

    It also ties into the question of inspiration in everyday life. For me, the first obvious source is conversation -- in the word choices, turns of phrase, and sheer musicality of people communicating on the fly. I love music, so maybe that has something to do with it.


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