Sunday, April 22, 2012

Today On the Society of the Inner Ear

Tune in today at 2:00 to the Society of the Inner Ear at KZME Radio 107.1 FM to catch some awesome audio theater, including an original piece by yours truly called THE ST. JAMES SISTERS, inspired by the classic song The St. James Infirmary Blues, with a dark whiff of the Grimm's story The Twelve Dancing Princesses.  THE ST JAMES SISTERS was written for the award-winning Willamette Radio Workshop.  Other featured pieces include THE YELLOW WALLPAPER by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, starring Agnes Moorehead, and TURNSTILES, a short award-winning piece by Portland writer Carole Oberholtzer.  I thought it would be airing on Mother's Day, but it's airing early.  Enjoy!


  1. Is this the "St. James Sisters" we recorded at the Kennedy School a couple Hallowe'ens ago, Cindy, or a more recent rerecording? I'd love to hear the thing, but I'll be in rehearsal this afternoon. I hope one may download it later. . . ?

    1. This is, indeed, the one we recorded at the Kennedy School. You can find it for the next 24 hours after it airs if you go to the KZME website and check out their playlist at:


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